Sunday, November 14, 2010

Finally a top deck for my YZ-870C

One more car to finish up for the vintage event and that's my Yokomo YZ-870C. Some of the great folk over at RC10talk informed me that the front bulkhead was prone to breakage especially where the front shock tower was attached. Their advise? Fashion a top deck to support the back of the tower to take some of the load off the bulkhead in the case of impact.

Took quite some time to measure up everything carefully but I'm very pleased with how it turned out!

Front of top deck with shock tower support. :)


  1. I've never had a yoke, but that is a COOL mod. I guess very important too, seems like 870C/YZ10 parts are HARD to come by. I'd love to get a Yoke, it was one of my dream cars a long time ago. I'm afraid they are probably too rich for my wallet though!!

  2. My yz 870c need a lot of parts......can you help me?
